Susan Dimasi

Author Archives: Susan Dimasi

Style Struggle

Do you ever feel like you have to struggle unnecessarily to tap into your style?

Or… Feel as though you don’t naturally have style?

And do you ever find yourself questioning:

“Why do my heroes have unique effortless style while I have to struggle for it? What do they know that I don’t?”

If you answered, “Yes” to any of these questions, or more likely all three, you’re not alone.

As a successful professional woman you’re go go go, non-stop, day after day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s like you’re burning the candle at both ends with a blow torch.

The first thing to go was your inner sense of wonder and creativity.

And once that was gone (without you even being aware) you let go of your intriguing, powerful, femininity.

The Ritual of Dress no longer feels uplifting and empowering. These days it’s just another chore on a never ending list of “To Dos”

The wardrobe doors swing open and that spark you used to feel is gone.

The reason that spark is gone now is because your light that used to shine bright with hope, expression, and wild abandon has dimmed over the years.

It hasn’t been nurtured like it used to.

As you matured you were told:

“It’s time to grown up”

“Be realistic.”


“Stop dreaming and come back down to earth.”

You listened to these voices because they were living in a world you wanted to be a part of. It seemed like “advice for success.”

Thoughts like, “It worked for them so it must work for me” ran through your mind.

But what you could see is that they were wrong.

Inside they were withering away like an untended garden who hasn’t received enough water.

And you followed down their path, unbeknownst to you at what lie ahead in wait.

Your creative flame was/is dying out.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Look at the Powerful, stylish, and uber-feminine women of the world. The Michelle Obamas and the Amal Clooneys.

These are the women we should model.

They rule with strength, style, and poise like no other.

Now you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Yeah, but Amal has all the money in the world.”

And I get that, in fact I hear it all the time.

The truth is you only need Three Things and it doesn’t require vast coffers filled to the brim with hundred dollar bills.

So let’s put money aside.

The fact of the matter is that she does three things that you likely aren’t doing.

In fact, it’s three things society tells you NOT to do.

BUT Society is wrong.

Society has been steering women wrong all these years.

It’s time to stand up and take back our creativity, our femininity, and (reignite that fire inside us) grow stronger.

So if you’d like to learn the 3-step process that successful, powerful women like Michelle Obama and Amal Clooney use to their benefit Click “Send Me My Free Report” below.

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