The Quest To Recapturing Creativity

At my recent gathering of my VIP Members we were sharing what we love about art, fashion and the intersection of creativity and femininity (as we are often to do) when a question popped into my head.

I asked, “How many of you look to Fashion Magazines to gain inspiration?”

At first I was shocked that they all said “No.”

Every. Single. One.

These are women at the top of their field who are incredibly stylish and love fashion. Yet NONE of them look for inspiration in magazines.

And then it made complete sense. I’ll get back to that in a second.

But first go on a journey with me…

It was a number of years ago and I was a young woman in my early teens (around the age of 14.)

I was obsessed with the fashion “going-ons” in all the big magazines like Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. I’d save up my money and if Dad was in a particularly good mood I’d even try to sneak a copy onto the counter as he was picking up his lottery ticket at the local store. (A weekly occurrence)

And as I grew up my passion, lust, and excitement for these expressions of art and all things fashion grew as well. I’d flip through the pages and my heart would beat faster, my eyes would widen, and I could feel my face get flush with excitement.

The images seemed to dance right off the page into my imagination and dreams.

It wasn’t long before I had graduated to the upper echelon of Fashion Print Publications. Magazines with $20 price tags and limited edition books that would fetch as much as $250+

The bug had bitten me and I was at it’s mercy.

Before I knew it I was traveling internationally to places like Milan and Paris and in no time I was gracing the pages of the very magazines I’d read as a girl.

All of this was pre-internet days really. Before all the bloggers and Instagram “authorities” trying to tell you what’s hot and what’s not.

This was when fashion was about art, expression, design.

A lot has changed since those days.

Today is a world consumed with “Fast Fashion” and The Next Haute Look that some celebrity is wearing to Fashion Week.

But the problem is it’s not as much about expression and it’s completely devoid of the one thing that matters most… YOU.

You’re a successful, busy, feminine woman. You need a blend of style, comfort, ease, and self-expression.

You DESERVE that.

But the big Fashion Houses seem to have forgotten all about you, and as a result you get left behind feeling like you’re lacking some how.

And that’s why it was no surprise that my Highest Level Members all avoid these magazines like the plague.

They, like me, turn the pages and don’t gain inspiration any more. In fact most of the time they end up more frustrated than before they picked it up in the first place.

It’s lost it’s fun, it’s charm, and it’s playfulness.

Now it’s just a reminder of what does NOT work for them.

And that’s why what we do together is so important. We take you in, your entire being, and we build off of YOU.

What are your dreams, your desires, your needs?

What do you wish to express before you even enter the boardroom or ballroom?

And we build, from the ground up, your very own personal brand that’s exclusive to you and your lifestyle.

You can’t get this from a magazine, or a blogger, or some random Instagram account.

But you totally DESERVE THIS.


If you’d like to join us for our next gathering and become part of this exclusive group of women just let me know and I’ll get you all the details.



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